Staff in learning difficulties services need more training

There is a high demand for staff development in services for
people with learning difficulties, according to research initiated
by Skill: National Bureau for Students with Disabilities.

Even staff who are experienced in working with people with
severe learning difficulties require additional training in how to
respond to the needs of people with profound and complex learning
difficulties, the research says.

The Care Standards Act 2000 places particular emphasis on
raising standards through staff development, there is a specific
requirement for training, which involves staff from different
agencies learning together.

It urges this area of work to be seen as a priority for staff
development resources.

The study from the enhancing quality of life project also claims
services for people with learning difficulties vary greatly,
according to the geographical area they live in.

Inter-agency collaboration, essential to services for people
with severe learning difficulties, did not always take place.







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