The Survival Guide to Later Life

Book Cover: Survival Guide to Later LifeBy Marion Shoard.
ISBN 1841193720

Star rating: 4/5.

Although Marion Shoard has written her book for families and friends of older people or older people seeking to prepare for their very old age, it definitely has uses for social and health care workers, writes Cynthia Heymanson.

This book can be recommended to families after professionals have explained care systems and pathways, when follow-up information and reference materials are requested.

The chapters on care homes explain the complexities honestly and thoroughly – both for finding a home and how to get the best out of one; ideal for self-funders. Staff may be less able to provide users and carers with detail on rights (for example, eligibility for NHS continuing care and complaints) beyond the standard leaflets provided, so the sections on these can lessen potential conflict of interests and save time. Also by endorsing the value of carers’ assessments, take-up might be increased. There are also 25 pages of useful contacts.

Cynthia Heymanson is a dementia resource worker.

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