LGA warns Children Bill lacks remit for domestic violence

Children affected by domestic violence should be protected by
new directors of children’s services and Local Safeguarding
Children Boards, according to local government leaders,
writers Craig Kenny.

The Local Government Association said none of the new structures
proposed in the Children Bill were being given a remit for children
affected by domestic violence, despite it being a key indicator for
child abuse.

The LGA is also calling for social services risk assessments to
include compulsory questions to identify children affected by
violence in the home.

Councillor Alison King, chair of the LGA’s children and young
people board, said: “There is a clear link between domestic
violence and child abuse. Specific risk assessment questions and
procedures must be put in place to detect children at risk from
domestic violence as a matter of course so they can be given the
support and protection they need.”

A spokesperson for the Department for Education and Skills said
local safeguarding children boards would be expected to address the
needs of those children in their area experiencing domestic

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