The People’s Show

Victoria Art Gallery, Bath Until 7 November
£ – free
Star Rating: 4/5   

This exhibition is the outcome of a project run by Bath Self
Help Housing Association’s Bath Foyer and Pathways schemes – both
young people’s projects offering support to 16-24 year olds at risk
of homelessness, writes Ian Tomlinson.

The basis of the project was to “let loose” six young people in the
gallery’s store room, choose two or three pieces and then to write
an explanation of what they liked about the piece. The intention
was to help break down barriers for the young people who tend to
view museums as dusty and stuffy.

The comments made are well informed. I particularly liked “Reminds
me of holidays when I was a kid” about “Man Sleeping in Deckchair”.
And “Despite the darkness of the journey there is always something
to look forward to in life” about the Floating Luminescent Globe,
“Amidst Tangled and Dark Roots”.

The exhibition’s eclectic collection made for interesting and
refreshing viewing.

Ian Tomlinson is a national participation officer for Mencap

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