If you ask me…

Who has had the biggest influence on you?
My grandfather.

Which health or social care professional has been most use
to you?

The psychiatrist in my adolescence.

If you ran care services in your area what would you do
Change the statutory review procedures.

Name one thing that would make your life better?
More reliable public transport.

What three words best describe you?Bold
Dedicated, outspoken, stubborn.

What event most changed your life?
Getting involved in youth participation.

Has any government policy ever benefited you
Yes, the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000.

If you could ban one thing what would it be?
Prejudice towards young people in care.

What is your greatest achievement?
Being awarded a BBC Community Champion award.

What makes you happy?
Getting a job well done.

Who do you most admire?
Nelson Mandela. He kept his beliefs despite being
imprisoned and being badly treated.

How would you like to be remembered?
As having made a difference in society and standing by my

What is the most important lesson you have learned?
Sometimes it’s best to stay quiet, however strongly you
feel about something.

What’s your New Year’s resolution?
To spend more time socialising.

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