Training Materials – Not that “different” …just treated that way

Not that “different” …just treated that

Merseyside Video Development Group

Available from Liverpool Early Years Centre, 99
Cavendish Drive, Walton, Liverpool, L9 1NB,
0151 525 3090,

£15 for organisations,
£10 individuals

Star Rating: 2/5

This video aims to “give food for thought and promote discussion
around issues of disabilism” (that word again). It depicts a group
of disabled people describing their lives and the everyday barriers
they face. Most disabled people would be able to add their own
anecdote – “old lady, pat on head, ‘There, there, dear. God will
make you better'”, as one contributor said. I’m not sure I want to
be better, I’m OK as I am thanks, writes Marian Smith.

It is unclear who the intended audience for the video is. I’m
afraid it will largely be seen by people who are already converts
to the cause. It’s a pity the group didn’t spend more time thinking
of ways to change and challenge people’s attitudes.

Marian Smith works for a disability charity and is a
wheelchair user.


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