The Cost of Foster Care: Investing in our Children’s Future

Book Cover: The cost of foster care The Cost of Foster Care: Investing in our Children’s Future
 Robert Tapsfield and Felicity Collier, BAAF and The Fostering Network
 ISBN 1 90369976, £9.95


A surprisingly straightforward read considering the amount of information contained and the subject: read within an hour but expect to be thinking for ages afterwards, writes Fiona Black.

The authors in partnership with public and independent fostering providers have tried to identify the true cost of providing fostering services of a quality that will give looked after children the same opportunities as any other child. This is not simply about carers’ allowances! The authors also consider the human and future costs of not adequately providing for these vulnerable people while they are children. It reckons a shortfall in the funding of UK fostering services of £748 million a year.

While aimed at those making policy, funding and service development decisions, anyone with an interest in the financial aspects of providing quality fostering in the public or independent sector will find this an interesting read. Follow it by sitting in a cool place to recover, or feel vindicated for time spent trying to explain the real cost of quality fostering and implications of provision on a shoestring budget.

Fiona Black is fostering manager, Cornerways Fostering Services

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