What Does Adopted Mean? A Young Child’s Guide to Adoption

Book Cover - What does adopted meanWhat Does Adopted Mean? A Young Child’s Guide to Adoption
Edith Nicholls,
Russell House Publishing
ISBN 190385573X, £15.99


Too many words and not enough pictures; and the ones that are used are not very good. These are all problems with this book. Also it looks a bit cheap because it is not a proper book (it is ring-bound), write Zoe (aged 11) and Lois (10).

It is meant to be for young children but we found it difficult to understand, even when our social worker tried to explain it. There are lots of long words and some made up ones which do not help.  For instance, they call birth parents “your born-tos” but we think “Tummy Mummy” is better.

It is good to have books to explain adoption because it makes it easier to start talking about it, but we think the best ones are where you can draw or write in it to make it more like your own story.

Zoe and Lois are adopted children

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