First GSCC misconduct verdicts

When the General Social Care Council announced that its very first professional conduct hearing was to be the case of a Darlington social worker who had advertised herself as an escort, many in the profession winced at the poor image this presented to the outside world.

Surely out of the dozens of cases on their books they could have picked something else to kick off the new process while the eyes of the press and public were trained on social care.

In fact the case ended up being held behind closed doors – a rather unfortunate precedent – but now we hear the woman concerned has been suspended from the register.

Meanwhile, a West Midlands social worker has claimed the dubious honour of being the first person struck off the register.

At first glance these two cases might appear to drag social care’s reputation through the mire. But in fact the long-term effect should be quite the opposite and the GSCC’s rulings amount to a landmark moment.

By regulating itself, and taking action against those who do not meet rigorous professional standards, social care has boosted its status and can now hold its head up alongside other professions, like nursing and medicine, that have had registration for years. The process may prove uncomfortable for those called to account for their actions, but it is a vital part in building public confidence in social care. 

See First social worker struck off register

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