Rich unable to afford posh schools shock!

10 Oct 2006

Inappropriate language is banned in care homes…but not on Page Three

Care workers will be banned from calling older people “sweetheart” under tough rules to guard their dignity. Terms like “darling and poppet” will also be outlawed as part of a crackdown on neglect and abuse announced by care services minister Ivan Lewis today.

The Sun’s eager “exclusive” quotes Lewis at length, saying: “Language that is meant to be friendly can emphasise that older people are not equal. It is inappropriate. You wouldn’t dream of addressing a colleague in those terms….we want a situation where people are as outraged by the abuse of parents and grandparents as they are at the abuse of children.”

This story was bang opposite…you guessed it…page three, with the line: “FEAST your eyes on today’s Page 3 treat” – true dignity, eh?The Sun is angry that the prison population is full to bursting, and blames “politicians” who think “there is nothing sexy about prisons” for failing to build more. But the paper also delights in the story of a lad who was jailed – further adding to the record number of prisoners – for breaking wind in court. “He first emitted a single thunderous retort – then followed it with a series of several smaller noises which left his co-accused helpless with laughter.” When asked to apologise, the lad, referred to as “windy Wildy” told horrified magistrates: “I’m sorry I acted the goat.”

9 October 2006

Rich unable to afford posh schools shock!

As the government’s green paper is published calling for children in care to be placed in the best schools, the Daily Mail has other concerns. Poor old professionals are upset that their children are being “priced out” of private schooling. Doctors, airline pilots and company fatcats are “among the few” that can afford to have their children educated privately. The heart bleeds….

Party while prisons rot

This week, the prison population is predicted to hit a record high of 80,000, making you think that more than ever, prison officers have possibly the worst job out of all public service workers. So who could deny them the opportunity to let their hair down once in a while? The Sun thinks not. The paper reports that the boss of Holloway prison “blew £20,000 of taxpayer’s money” treating over 400 prison staff to dinner-and-dance at a swish hotel.


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