Training Materials: Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood: Growing up Fast

Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood: Growing up Fast
Research in Practice
ISBN 1904984134,


If you’re not familiar with current debates and arguments surrounding teenage pregnancy, then this CD would be an excellent way of introducing yourself to the topic, writes Ed Robson.

The authors guide the listener through the major issues affecting teenage parents, with research and analysis interspersed with the opinions and stories of teenagers who have chosen to have children.

Issues are tackled in distinct sections, with recommendations of good practice for anyone working with this unfairly maligned social group. I was particularly impressed by how the authors take as a given the link between teenage pregnancy and social deprivation.

The CD puts the issue of teenage pregnancy into a historical context and charts the inception and progress of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy.

The authors are (rightly) critical  of sex education in our schools, but offer intelligent suggestions on how this could be improved.

The authors are also respectful of differing opinions, but always make their own case with solid, research-based evidence. Using this approach they can consider – and reject – approaches that simply do not work, such as abstinence programmes. One central finding – which should not surprise practitioners – is that openness with young people about sexual matters leads to improved outcomes.

This is an informative, accessible CD that respects its subject and young parents themselves. Recommended for anyone studying or practising social care with young people.

Ed Robson works in the voluntary sector


with single, teenage parents

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