The Big Question

If there was one thing you could do to improve services for disabled children, what would it be?

Jean Stogdon – Grandparents Plus
They should provide gold star support for the carers of disabled children. Having been a carer myself, I know that if you’re not looked after yourself then you find it very difficult to care for someone else. The support needs to be what the carer wants, not what professionals think they need, otherwise it simply won’t hit the spot.

Len Smith – Gypsy activist
I would like to see a more individualistic approach to child disability care. Treating anyone in a standard way leads to cloned jigsaw pieces that might, or might not, fit into life and society. It seems to me that current methods are bound to give children a chip on their shoulder. Tailored individual treatment would help them fit into the world.

Angie Lawrence – Single mother
The Children’s Society fights for improved rights and support for disabled children who live away from home. These children, in line with the government’s Every Child Matters policies, have the right to an independent advocate who can ensure that they have access to a good childhood. This service should be guaranteed for all such children.

Karen Shook – Disability equality adviser
This sounds like a “one-size-fits-all” question. I would put in place enough resources so that disabled children and their families could have real choice and use support at home and in education that  is tailored to serve the needs of the child, not the needs of services. And transition services to adulthood should be seamless.



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