The Big Question

Should clients be worried by cursory criminal record checks on European care assistants and care workers?

Len Smith – Gypsy activist
If UK agencies cannot access these records, then applicants should be required to find a verified means for their home countries to provide them. If this is not possible, then newly arrived applicants should be rejected without question. Perhaps a period of, say, 10 years’ residency in the UK could allow some flexibitility.

Angie Lawrence – Single mother
Clients should be concerned if their care worker has not been checked by the Criminal Records Bureau. To not be able to perform this check on workers arriving from overseas makes a mockery of the system. As it stands, the system is only as good as the information within it, and this is far from complete at present anyway.

Richard West – Inspired Services
I’m very worried about supporters notr being checked properly. Some other countries have very different attitudes to supporting people with learning disabilities and there is much more institutionalisation and abuse. But even, if they are checked, this won’t pick up on whether they treat people properly and with respect.

Karen Shook – Disability equality adviser
This is a big worry among friends who employ or are supplied with care workers. Disabled and older people are at risk from anyone who has sole access to them and their home. While I realise that CRB checks are needed, all they really confirm is that the person has not been caught and convicted of a relevant criminal offence.




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