Safeguarding Children and Schools (ed Mary Baginsky), book review by Wendy Dare

Safeguarding Children and Schools


Edited by Mary Baginsky, Jessica Kingsley Publishing ISBN 9781843105145

I liked this book so much I read it twice before writing my review, writes Wendy Dare. It is very concise, with good explanation to each chapter and I’d recommend it for social workers, teachers and any professional working with young people. It covers good practice – explains each step such as how to make referrals and do assessments – looks at different countries’ approaches, and considers the impact of good practice with a holistic view.

It would be a useful tool to use in everyday referencing when completing assessments as it covers behaviour such as bullying. I particularly liked the layout of the book explaining the role of each professional and how best to support the young person through counselling, interventions, and support from child and adolescent mental health services and teachers.

Wendy Dare, independent support service, Hertfordshire Council

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