Social care: who’s who in the new government

Social care: who's who in the new coalition government

Andrew Lansley, Conservative, health secretary

The son of a pathologist who worked for the NHS since its inception and a former civil servant, Andrew Lansley is often credited with bringing his party round to supporting the health service.

Recently he was critical of Labour’s Personal Care at Home Bill for being under-costed, but has faced similar accusations over his own party’s idea to fund residential care through a voluntary £8,000 insurance premium.

Michael Gove, Conservative, education secretary

Michael Gove, has been appointed as the new schools secretary. It has not yet been revealed whether the department will be split between education and children and families. Although some informed sources have suggested there will be no change, the No. 10 website refers to Gove as secretary of state for education.

Iain Duncan Smith, Conservative, work and pensions secretary

Leader of the Conservative Party from September 2001 to November 2003. He is also chair of the Centre for Social Justice, the centre-right think-tank that works to find innovative policies for tackling poverty.

Theresa May, Conservative, home secretary and minister for women and equality

Has held various shadow cabinet posts, including most recently as shadow work and pensions secretary.

Eric Pickles, Conservative, secretary of state for communities and local government

The former chair of the Conservative Party has been an MP for Brentwood and Ongar in Essex since 1992

Kenneth Clarke, Conservative, Lord Chancellor and justice secretary

Served in the Conservative cabinets of Margaret Thatcher and John Major. He has held various ministeral posts, including chancellor of the exchequer, health secretary and education secretary,

George Osborne, Conservative, chancellor of the exchequer

Originally named Gideon, he changed his name to George when he was 13. The former shadow chancellor to the exchequer is a close friend of prime minister David Cameron.

David Laws, Liberal Democrats, chief secretary to the Treasury

The former spokesman on children, schools and families is one of five Lib Dems to hold a cabinet post in the coalition government. He was once an investment banker.

Paul Burstow

Liberal Democrat MP Paul Burstow has been appointed as the minister for care services. He said he was “delighted” to have an opportunity to shape social care policy and had already met with the Department of Health’s director general of social care, David Behan, “to start the ball rolling”.

Sarah Teather

Minister of state for children and families.Has worked as social policy analyst for Macmillan Cancer Relief and has spoken out on child poverty and cuts to local special needs schools.

Tim Loughton

Parliamentary under secretary for children and families. Formerly shadow children’s minister Loughton published Conservative policy on children’s social work which included promise to slash bureaucracy, promote social work looked after children practices and appoint a chief social worker.

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