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4 Responses to Majority of principal social workers vote against financial independence from government

  1. Richard A Leighton September 9, 2015 at 2:41 pm #

    Perhaps this statement, from Mandy Nightingale, regarding moves to “cement the role of the PSW as a voice for the profession, including being part of a steering group on the development of social work accreditation with the DfE and KPMG”, sums up why the PSW want to retain government funding. They are “working” with government, why not get paid for it! Independence must mean little to PSWs.

    It would be interesting to know, under what ‘authority’ the PSW has a role “as a voice for the profession”? They have a role as the voice of their niche group, within the profession but they DO NOT, as yet, speak for me, as a professional! Especially, without declaring their position, with regard to the work they are undertaking with DfE and KPMG around accreditation. For the PSW network to become “a voice for the profession”, they need to be much more transparent and independent, share their mission, vision and aims and allow ‘the profession’ to decide whether these accord with ‘the professions” future position.

    • Adam Birchall September 9, 2015 at 10:40 pm #

      I’m pleased. As a PSW I work for a local authority. To me, PSW’s champion their workforce and promote change and improvement from within the organisation. It would be foolish to attempt to separate from those we wish to influence. Lee’s comment I think is saying the network is not mature enough. It’s very early days in terms of the group.

  2. Annie September 9, 2015 at 3:52 pm #

    If the principal social workwers are not ‘mature’ enough to run a network, then they do not have a future at all I would suggest. How can they be seen as ‘practice leaders’ for example? I think they may have just voted to make themselves redundant. How sad!

  3. Philosophers stone September 10, 2015 at 7:48 am #

    No courage, No conviction, sheep to the wolves…