Social work cartoon: ‘Whistleblowing’

The latest cartoon from Fran...

social work cartoon

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3 Responses to Social work cartoon: ‘Whistleblowing’

  1. Steven Donea February 6, 2016 at 6:43 pm #

    Very suggestive illustration with a big boss metal gear taking on a new employee, and there’s a very fine line between subtle envy and pain. And to prove that you’re ready for a bigger desk. Yes boss!

    The failure to provide the necessary care, reasonable support or guidance to a vulnerable adult is neglect. But please correct me if I’m wrong, asked a person who displays challenging behaviour to stop the behavior to prevent abuse, support staff has been suspended from work based on allegations of misconduct, including psychological abuse.

    • nannie annie February 10, 2016 at 1:16 pm #

      I am disgusted with this cartoon. My social work friend on Wirral was sacked for Whistleblowing 5 years ago and enquiry is still going on. Wirral has ‘lost’ case notes etc. He had a nervous breakdown.

  2. linda February 24, 2016 at 11:12 am #

    Why disgusted? Surely it is supporting whistleblowers and criticising the system that allegedly protects them.