Models of Adoption Support: What Works and What Doesn’t

Book Cover: Models of Adoption SupportEdited by Hedi Argent,
BAAF Adoption and Fostering,
ISBN 1903699258,

Models of Adoption Support is a collection of contributions that explores the continuing and diverse support needs of all those with personal experience of adoption. It addresses both the broad policy issues facing local authorities in the development of comprehensive adoption support services, and gives examples of smaller scale initiatives aimed at particular needs.

Common themes emerge, including the importance of listening to what those affected by adoption are saying they need and who they need it from. It is clear that reliance on mere signposting to existing mainstream services is frequently unsatisfactory, with often little understanding of the specific needs of adopted children and their parents.

While there are examples of innovative work with birth families, it is acknowledged that support services for them remain very limited.

This volume does not claim to offer a blueprint for the provision of support services, but it should encourage key policy makers, agencies, and professionals to work together. It is only in this way that creative, relevant and non-stigmatising services will be developed effectively. The complexity and ultimate success of modern adoption practice demands nothing less.

Lynne Wilson is senior lecturer in social work, University of Lincoln

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