Dignity at Work

Book Cover - Dignity at WorkBy Pauline Rennie Peyton.
ISBN 158391238X

The subtitle Eliminate Bullying and Create a Positive Work Environment provides a perfect description of the aims of this informative work. The book is written for all those responsible for managing others in the workplace, human resource professionals and external consultants who may be called upon by the organisation. It is also a useful tool for anyone experiencing bullying.

Divided into two parts, the first part of the book provides the foundation for all who wish to understand both the research and the practicalities of the subject. Part two identifies the constructive role of the external consultant and provides useful food for thought.

Packed with ideas, tips and thought-provoking information the work helps to demystify the mythology that little can be done to stop bullying at work. The author identifies the make-up of bullying, helping the manager to understand the processes underpinning it before “providing ways to confront and solve problems… with the minimum of stress, disruption and cost to all concerned”. This is achieved by examples of what has already been done in other organisations, identifying of the legislation and consideration of appropriate policies and procedures involved.

Ray Braithwaite is a freelance trainer and author of Managing Aggression.

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