Greig urges action for older people with learning difficulties

The Valuing People White Paper has secured major improvements in
people’s lives, but the next challenge is to extend those
gains to older people with learning difficulties,
writes Janet Snell.

Rob Greig, director of implementation for Valuing People,
delivered this message this week and said the newly announced
government strategy for adult social care could provide a framework
for linking services for learning difficulty, older people and
mental health.

He told a conference in London that it was vital to extend the
citizenship agenda underpinning Valuing People to older clients:
“This is a growing issue. People with learning difficulties
are living longer. We know some services are not coping well, in
particular in dealing with those who have dementia. We need to
start thinking ‘how are we going to handle all

In answer to those who said more research was needed he
responded: “Yes, we can always find out more. But I think we
know enough about older people with learning difficulties –
including those with dementia – to get a move on and start
doing something.


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