Joined-up Youth Justice

Book Cover - Joined up youth justiceStar rating: 3/5

By Ros Burnett and Catherine Appleton
Russell House Publishing
ISBN 1903855322

The book is a case study of the Oxford youth offending team. As commentary is provided on both core activity and specialist projects, it puts too much emphasis on narrative, leaving the analysis understated. But, with some reservations, it is to be recommended to all involved in youth justice work.

It looks at the challenges of using a partnership model to create effective services for those who are either at risk of or involved in offending. It explores approaches that may or must be used to balance the competing demands to hold young people accountable for their offending while addressing the reasons for that behaviour through child-centred and needs-led services.

The book concludes optimistically by reporting that government reforms of the youth justice system have not prevented a largely humanitarian approach to work with young offenders.

Charlie Beaumont is business implementation manager, Youth Justice Board.

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