The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) “unequivocally
rejected” proposals to merge with other anti-discrimination
bodies believing the move would “significantly dilute its
work”, writes Shirley Kumar.
The 13 commissioners voted 11-2 to reject government plans to
create a single body for anyone facing discrimination by merging
the CRE with the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Disability
Rights Commission to create the new Commission for Equality and
Human Rights (CEHR).
CRE spokesperson said the merger, proposed in the White Paper
Fairness for All lacks any proposal for a single equality act,
would fail to protect religious groups and comes at a time
“demands on the CRE are at an all time high due to
Islamophobia, asylum and immigration at the top of the political
Their decision was prompted by “negativity and little
support” from black and ethnic minority communities during
regional consultation meetings.
A more detailed response to the government will be published on
August 9.
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