The big question

Why do so few people receive direct

Shaun Webster
CHANGE self-advocacy group

People being their own boss is a good idea. But people with
learning difficulties can’t be pushed into it. We need proper
support and training on how to live independently. It is not being
promoted in a way that people can understand. They are confused and
do not know it can give them more freedom. 

Jaya Kathrecha

It’s all very well those at the top coming up with these great
ideas but I think the problem is that ordinary people who could
benefit from them just never get to hear about them. When you’re a
carer or a disabled person you often have very low energy levels
and you just want providers to make the information easy to

Becca Cooper
York People First

Direct payments aren’t available because people don’t know they
exist. In York, it is not publicised. People who want direct
payments have to deal with barriers such as lack of information.
York People First offers training about direct payments to provide
a better understanding and to break down the barriers.

Jean Stogdon
Grandparents Plus

The reason they are not more common is because professionals are
concerned about the risks of clients employing unsuitable people.
But we must be allowed to take our own chances. People know their
own needs – they don’t want care packages imposed on them. Older
people like direct payments as they give them some control over
their lives.

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