Connexions waste

I am pleased to hear of the new arrangements for Connexions
Service and I sincerely hope that the service will be much improved
in the future.

My son, at 18 and in a dead-end job, went to Harrogate Connexions
Centre for advice in one of his lunch hours. He was told that the
staff were all going out for lunch and that he would have to come
back another day. 

I was surprised that he was not deterred by this, and he did
return. On this subsequent visit he asked about joining the Fire
Brigade. He was handed one sheet of paper and told to make his own
enquiries on the internet at home.

He did not go back and he did not join the Fire Service. In the
end, with my help he enrolled on a further education course and is
now starting a rewarding career in spite of, not because of, the
Connexions service.

I felt that they were a complete waste of time and effort!

Karen Hesketh

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