Web review: www.practicelearning.org.uk

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The Practice Learning Taskforce (PLTF) has relaunched its website
this summer. With additional funding provided by central government
for one more year, PLTF aims for “a resource for everyone wishing
to consolidate, innovate and improve practice learning”,
writes Mark Sloman.

Aimed at those involved in the education, training and “delivery”
of social work students, I would anticipate that it would be of
most interest to practice assessors, social work students, academic
staff and local authority practice consultants (formally practice

I found the site very user-friendly, easy to navigate, clearly laid
out and easy to read. There is a lot of information about the
history and development of the PLTF, but it is designed to be a
forum to share and highlight good practice and to recognise the
excellent work that is being done nationwide in all areas of social
work training. As the website develops I would anticipate that more
local practice examples will be added.

The site links to the General Social Care Council and to a range of
external resources. It provides good contact information for
organisations and contacts nationally and regionally and has an
associated monthly newsletter.

I found this to be a very useful website which will develop with
time and more examples of best practice. It will benefit practice
assessors and students the most.

Mark Sloman is a social worker, community mental health team,

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