Click on the title to view the full review
Panorama: Please Look After Mum
Parental Alienation: How to Understand and Address Parental Alienation Resulting from Acrimonious Divorce or Separation
Parenting and Disability: Disabled Parents’ Experiences of Raising Children
Parental Substance Misuse and Child Welfare
Partnerships in Social Care: A Handbook for Developing Effective Services
Partnership Made Painless
Paying for Care Handbook (Fifth Edition)
People under Three: Young Children in Day Care
Personal Development and Reflective Practice in a Learning Disability Service
Personality Disorder: Temperament or Trauma
Person Centred Planning in a Learning Disability Service
Person-Centred Planning and Care Management with People with Learning Disabilities
Person-Centred Therapy
Perspectives on Rehabilitation and Dementia
Planning for Life: Involving Adults with Learning Disabilities in Service Planning
Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care: Hidden Carers
Positive approaches to person-centred planning
Practical Computer Skills for Social Work
Practical Guide To Social Welfare Research (The)
Practising Welfare Rights
The Presence of the Therapist
Producing Welfare. A Modern Agenda
Professionalism and Practice: Culture, Values and Services
Protecting Children: Developing Basic Skills
Psychological Therapies with Older People
Psychology of Ageing: An Introduction
Psychoses: An Integrative Perspective
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