Women’s asylum claims may be being wrongly dismissed due to the Home Office failing to follow its own guidance on gender issues that should be taken into account, according to new research.
The study, produced by the Refugee Women’s Resource Project at charity Asylum Aid, says that despite the Home Office adopting the guidance two years ago it is not being followed by many decision-makers.
The guidance covers a range of issues that are meant to be taken into account when considering an asylum claim such as complying with requests for female interviewers and recognising abusive situations women may have suffered such as domestic violence or forced marriage.
The research calls for the creation of a policy advisor within the Home Office with dedicated responsibility for gender issues and making use of the gender guidelines compulsory for all gender related asylum cases.
‘Lip Service’ or implementation? The Home Office Gender Guidance and women’s asylum claims in the UK from: www.asylumaid.org.uk
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