Book Review: Including Me: Managing Complex Health Needs in Schools and Early Years Settings

Book Cover - Including Me

Including Me: Managing Complex Health Needs in Schools and Early Years Settings
Jeanne Carlin, Council for Disabled Children
£12.50; ISBN: 1904787606


Finding resources for children with complex health needs is often complicated and requires professionals to be creative with what is available, writes Patty Vuckovi. This clearly
laid out handbook calls upon relevant legislation, procedural guidelines and good practice from different areas using case scenarios and examples to highlight typical situations as to how diffi culties might successfully be addressed in order to include children with complex health needs in school and early years settings.

In addition to being informative for service providers, this guide makes essential reading for parents who are often advocates for their disabled children, wanting to help them to participate in
opportunities within educational settings.

As stated in the foreword, without support children with complex needs can miss out on opportunities taken for granted by other children. This is particularly relevant at the moment given the
Every Child Matters green paper and the current examination of local authorities’ practices and procedures.

I felt that this guide gave some good training suggestions, including in considering the child’s dignity, and in ensuring the health and safety of the child or staff member when completing
complex health tasks. The staff member identified to carry out these duties needs to feel confident, competent and well supported.

I would recommend this guide to other relevant professionals – and particularly flag up some of the forms and protocols included.

Patty Vuckovi is a social worker in a multidisciplinary team for children with disabilities

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