Should older people be guaranteed a minimum level of care as the Wanless report recommends?
Len Smith – Gypsy activist
Means-testing for older people’s care is iniquitous. There should be minimum levels of care for all, although I prefer the word “acceptable” to “minimum” in this context. The matched extra contribution is a good idea too, subject to the benchmark figure. Sadly there are currently some other issues of older people’s care that require scrutiny also.
Kerry Evans – Parent of two autistic children
The older generation have paid into the system all their lives and deserve any level of care needed without paying. Wanless’s idea of “partnership” smacks of paying for basic care which previously was free and, while making social care available to more people, it also catches many more in the service charges net.
Jean Stogdon – Grandparents Plus
Wanless’s report is good news. Of course means-testing should be scrapped in its current form, as Wanless suggests. The process often excludes those people who are in most need. Clearly, all older people can find themselves in vulnerable situations, regardless of wealth, and the provision of universal services would therefore be the best approach.
Angie Lawrence – Single mother
I totally agree with Wanless’s recommendations. Many older people have worked hard and managed their money well all through their adult lives. To have this taken away from them and their family to pay for care costs is outrageous. They have been encouraged to save, but then their savings are taken away from them.
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