Job opportunities study ‘hidden away’

The government has been accused of burying a key report on employment opportunities for people with learning difficulties.

The Working Group on Learning Disabilities and Employment report, published last week (news, page 8, 3 August), was completed 18 months ago, group members have said.

Although the Department of Health and Department for Work and Pensions, which sponsored the group, had intended to issue the report on their websites, it was published only on the Valuing People Support Team site, with no departmental announcement.

The report made 42 recommendations concerning several government departments and public bodies, and said the system for supporting people with learning difficulties into employment was underfunded and inadequate.

David Congdon, head of policy and campaigns at Mencap and a working group member, said: “I’m very concerned that the recommendations will be ignored.”

Fellow group member Huw Davies, chair of the British Association for Supported Employment, said the government had shelved the report because the recommendations were “a bit challenging”.

Additional reading
Why councils should employ more people with learning difficulties
Jobs and learning difficulties: the barriers

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