If you ask me…Steve Searle

Steve Searle is a service user and volunteer with Leonard Cheshire’s Solent Care at Home service

Which professional has helped you most?
The occupational therapist who got me involved with computer software that helped to restore some of my balance and walking.

What one thing would you change about care services in your area?

What event most changed your life?
Having a stroke in 1996.

What would you ban?
People who think they know better.

What superpower do you wish you had?
That I could become able-bodied again.

What is your favourite book and why?
Reach for the Sky by Paul Brickhill about how Douglas Bader learned to walk after losing his legs in a flying accident and
later went back to being an RAF pilot.

What is your greatest achievement?
Doing things with one hand, while standing on one leg.

When did you have the most fun?
When I did my apprenticeship as a toolmaker.

What makes you angry?
People who promise to do things and don’t.

What is your favourite expression?
Is it free?

Who would you like to swap places with?
Myself when I was able-bodied.

How would you like to be remembered?
Steve enjoyed living and helping people.

Your most important lesson?
To do things for myself. It gives me great satisfaction.

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