Living with Drugs – Sixth Edition

 Living with Drugs – Sixth Edition
 Michael Gossop,
 ISBN 9780754649199,

This sixth edition covers popular drugs in a clear and demystifying language, writes Sue Rana.

Working within the drug field it is one that I would insist on having in the drug service: all staff working with drug users would find this book useful.

Michael Gossop is a highly regarded specialist who covers topics such as “Chemical Comforts”, the name of an engaging chapter about prescribed medications and alcohol and what I have considered drugs of abuse.

The chapter “The Social Context” looks at the use of drugs in religious practices of different cultures, and covers the financial impact of growing opium for farmers. The rituals of drug use are discussed, a topic that will be of great use to workers in the drug field who are looking at relapse prevention and are trying to deepen their understanding of why people continue to use illicit substances.

Living with Drugs brings us historical, social, psychological and legal perspectives. This well written, informative little number is highly recommended.

Sue Rana is the senior drug dependency worker for Bradford City Substance Misuse Service


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