Newcastle YOT project cuts offending
‘Let’s talk about sex and violence’
A wild child who is shouting out for help
National Autistic Society gives backing to Credo Care
Nurturing out behavioural problems in school
Bringing some joy to Christmas in care
Supporting the families of prisoners
Early intervention pays off in Cambridge
Teen parent training in Coventry
Hayward Adventure disabled children’s playground, Islington
Housing and training for care leavers
Parenting support in Tower Hamlets
Lambeth mediation service for young people who have left home
Professional support for prisoners’families and children
Milton Keynes school based early intervention programme
In celebration of the Children Act 1948
University signs up to quality mark for care leavers
Handling disruptive situations in residential care
Opportunities to develop career in multi-agency working
Play and adventure centre for special needs children
Parents from ethnic minorities with mental health problems and their children
Louder than words
Looked after children get confidence boost from advocacy project
Cricket helps engage hard to reach children
Salford YOT – use of restorative justice
Pre paid cash card helps Cambridgeshire’s looked after young people use activities
Crime mentors tackle young crime
Foetal alcohol syndrome
Rural answer to dearth of care for girls
Moat House: helping young mothers gain from education
Dealing with an overnight influx of roma child asylum seekers
US exports culture of summer sibling camps to the UK
Engaging refugees communities at school
Research: poverty parenting and social exclusion
Recruiting male foster carers
A first hand account of being an adoption social worker
Concurrent planning in foster care
Supporting families whose child has a terminal illness
Sensory theatre for disabled children
Dutch have courage to change
South Gloucestershire’s beacon is shining light for children in care
Supporting the parents of children with conduct disorders
Research Abstracts: Parenting Support
Young Runaways Project reduces numbers of children missing in care from Lancashire
Operation Fox brings social work to school
Disabled kids speak out
Parents with mental health problems and their children
Research Abstracts: Impact on children’s live
Lucy Faithfull Foundation expands work with sex abusers
Tackling children’s drink and drug problems
Guide to attachment disorder
Life skills programme helps vulnerable young people
Multidisciplinary social work in schools
Research: children with disabled parents
Research abstracts: Children with disabled parents
Blind children benefit from specialist sports clubs
Healthy eating programme helps Romanian immigrants in Spain to integrate
Building Bridges: a Family Welfare Association project for children with parents who have mental health problems
Sunderland Council: Youth development in practice
Welsh school pulls out all the stops to tackle underage drinking
Short-term support fostering care in west London
Modern-day pessimism is making our children ill
Teenage pregnancies among children in care: research
Research Abstracts: Teenage pregnancies
Peacemakers in Peterborough: defusing racial tensions
Social work practice placements in Lewisham schools: an innovative project
Community radio: two Manchester projects
Working with sex offenders: Helen Stanley
Support for young carers
Research abstracts: young carers
The Fostering surgery: therapeutic support for foster carers in Leeds
The effect of family poverty on children
Antisocial behaviour: how one family was turned around
South Central Youth: gang members to youth workers
Foster placements and domestic violence fuel youth’s aggression
Young offenders: Coldingley prison’s crime diversion scheme
Effective support for kinship carers
Bullrush cottage: a children’s home run by Educare
Children with complex health and social care needs
Research abstracts: Children with complex needs
Research reviews: services in rural areas
Research abstracts: social exclusion in rural areas
Hackney’s model for change draws widespread interest
How the child protection system under utilises the extended family
Swinfen Hall YOI: how it won a top best practice award
Counselling for birthparents of looked after children
Where exactly should social work end and therapy begin?
Talking therapies for children with mental health problems: the obstacles
Homeless children: the work of Step in Nightstop
Mental health crisis among young people: research
Life-story work: Trudy and Keith Pye break the mould
The social care needs of refugee and asylum-seeking children
Research abstracts: Child Refugees and asylum seekers in families
Children North East and Fathers Plus: engaging fathers in Sure Start
Fathers are marginalised, says Gary Clapton
Poverty and parenting
Warrington project reduces children running away from home
Involving children and young people in decision-making
Research abstracts: Children’s participation
Coping with divorce and separation
Children in care have their say
Voice: the charity for children in care
How one children’s centre is leading the way in engaging ethnic minorities
Research: Social work training and communication
Risk factor: should a five year-old-girl have contact with her family?
Therapies for children who have been sexually abused
Assessing the suitability of new adoptive parents
Research Abstracts: Approaches to adoption
Helping a ‘lost child’ regain self-worth
Social pedagogy and the children’s workforce
Intensive care turns around disruptive boy
Witness to domestic violence: creative ideas to help children
Helping refugee children at school: Oxford’s Oasis project
Leaving care services depend on what section is used
Welcare, Generate, Webster-Stratton: building fathers’ parenting skills in south London
Where foster carers assess
Parents who have learning disabilities
Brighton drugs and alcohol project aims to keep families together
Gang member risks violence and imprisonment
Craig-y-Parc School, Cardiff: helping children with learning disabilities achieve more independence
Projects that prepare children for a life after care
Sport can bring different ethnic communities together Good practice in providing accessible and appropriate childcare for disabled children
Research realities: Exercise and self-esteem
Research: children’s centre pilot link worker post
Participation of children in shaping services
Research Abstracts: Participation of Children
MayPortsmouth project is success with antisocial children
The Risk Factor: How intensive therapy helped a severely neglected boy
Car maintenance project helps troubled teenagers avoid custody
How the idea of honour among families can cover up abuse
How Northern Ireland’s fostering service helps foster carers deal with schools
Marginalised children: New ideas to help hard-to-reach teenagers
Thousands of child carers excluded from government statistics
Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board creates training framework
Teenage boy in care rages after family split
Delivering children’s services through the voluntary sector
Why new powers for teachers to control pupils are welcome
Are children’s services cost effective?
Research Abstracts: Resilience in Young People
Research: Resilience in fostered young people
Parenting intervention programmes: do they work
Research: Conduct disorder programmes
Research Abstracts: Conduct disorders
Glasgow’s underprivileged children who show emotional resilience
The Risk Factor: A therapeutic school helps a neglected, traumatised boy rediscover his identity
How to support young carers
Research abstracts: young carers
Child neglect
Safeguarding children at licenced premises in Sheffield. A Community Care Award winner
Nowhere left to go
Practice comment
The Big Book Bash, Community Care Award winner 2006 looked-after children category
Inappropriate sexual behaviour: the risk factor. Andrew Durham and Patrick Ayre on the case of an adolescent whose behaviour is causing concern
Award winner profile: the Impact Project from the Nottinghamshire Domestic Violence Forum
How an Ealing care leavers project scooped the top prize
What have we learned? Child death scandals since 1944
Award winners: Family Days scoop the top prize. How did they do it?
Clic not clique: A scheme in Stoke has put care leavers at the centre of its service management
Contact at Christmas. Should an alcoholic mother be given access to her fostered children?
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