Supporting Complex Need: A practical guide for support staff working with people with a learning disability who have mental health needs

Supporting Complex Need: A practical guide for support staff working with people with a learning disability who have mental health needs

Steve Hardy, Richard Kramer, Geraldine Holt, Peter Woodward and Eddie Chaplin
Turning Point and The Estia Centre,
available free

Star Rating: 3/5

This compact guide is a quick and easy read, does not use unnecessary jargon and points you in the right direction for further help. In three parts, it covers the understanding of learning disability and mental health what services are out there and, lastly, good practice.

It is clinical in its delivery, giving careful consideration to the context and processes of the subject. At the same time the authors stress the need to include the individual who requires support. The meat of this guide comes in the second part, and it is illustrated throughout with useful and relevant case studies. These are useful for training purposes, and will generate debate and actions for a support team.

It does not profess to give all the answers, and you will not become an expert overnight. However, after using this guide, you will have a greater understanding and confidence in supporting people with learning disabilities who have mental health needs. I would recommend people who work in the field to look at this guide to become better equipped to support people in their mental health needs.

Matt Dore works with people who have learning disabilities in Hampshire

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