Wandsworth Borough Council is inviting tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors for the appointment to a framework for the provision of CARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN REGISTERED HOMES for a period of THREE (3) years with a possible extension for ONE (1) year. The contract will commence on the 30TH JANUARY 2010.
The invitation is open to all Care Homes with a CQC rating of two (2) stars or above, who are within the Wandsworth borough boundary, or within close proximity of the Wandsworth borough boundary. New Care Homes that do not yet have a CQC rating or Care Homes with a one (1) star rating may apply under transitional arrangements.
The award of the Framework will be based upon the most economically advantageous tender/s , after below checks it will be 100% price to award onto the Framework, to the Council for qualifying organisations which meet the following criteria,
A Method Statement (not longer than 10 sides of A4) should also be submitted explaining arrangements for Deprivation of Liberty and Safeguarding, Organisation and Staffing, Operations, Quality Assurance and Monitoring, Health and Safety, and giving details of location and CQC Registration.
The Council will place its business under this framework with a number of providers in order to ensure choice for service users and to avoid becoming over-dependent on a single Contractor.
Applicants are advised that references will be taken up in writing with all referees. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their refereesrespond within the time scale.
Organisations wishing to receive a copy of the relevant tender documentation should contact Lorna Dixon, Procurement Department, Adult Social Services Department, Wandsworth Council, at The Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 2PU, telephone 020-8871-5867 or by email at: ldixon@wandsworth.gov.uk. The deadline for the receipt of completed tender documentation including all information requested is 12 noon on the 23rd September 2009.
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