Stressless Training


Keeping Cool Under Pressure
– a life-saving and life-changing stress management workshop for all social work staff

Stress drains our energy, damages our health, spoils our relationships, reduces our productivity and can leave us feeling overwhelmed, not knowing where to turn, or what to do.

Keeping Cool Under Pressure is a highly successful, well-established in-house workshop, which gives social workers and others, the knowledge, insights and practical tools to understand and manage more effectively their own potential, or actual, stress.

The workshop is very interactive and enlightening and the feedback is always positive. Eight out of ten participants rate it as ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’.

For further information about this and other stress-related seminars, please contact John McConnel, a former prison governor and social worker, who has been a stress management trainer working with different local authorities and other organisations for more than 12 years.

Contact details:

Tel: 020 8904 0317

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