Social work student placement guide

Social work student placement guide Every social work degree student in the UK must spend some time on a relevant work placement to help prepare them...


Every social work degree student in the UK must spend some time on a relevant work placement to help prepare them for demands of the job. Here, we provide the information you need to get the most out of your placement.

Social work student placements: what you need to know

Gordon Carson explains placement requirements across the UK and the kind of placements available and sets out what you will be expected to do

The importance of social work student placements

Corinne May-Chahal, interim co-chair of the College of Social Work explains why placements are so important to social work training and suggests they may be set for change

How to get the best from a social work placement

Open University lecturer Barry Cooper explains how to prepare for a placement and settle quickly into a team and suggests some questions to ask once you’re there

Social work placement tips from students

Current and former students provide some tips on how to avoid potential pitfalls and get the most out of your placement

How to deal with social work placement problems

Barry Cooper explains what to do if you’re struggling to cope or feel you’re not learning anything on a placement

How can I get a statutory placement?

Senior lecturer Jo Finch advises a student looking for a placement in a local authority

More questions about placements?

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