Relate. Working Systematically with Attachment Narratives within Fostering and Adoption

Venue: Sheffield Cathedral. Prof. Rudi Dallos. Date: 11th November 2011. 10 - 4pm

Venue: Sheffield Cathedral. Prof. Rudi Dallos.
Date: 11th November 2011. 10 – 4pm


This workshop will equip professionals who are working with the fundamental issues presented within Fostering and Adoption to provide positive support and understanding. It will present an approach which integrates perspectives from attachment theory and systemic therapy. There will be an overview of contemporary developments in attachment theory including the assessment of attachment and parenting capacities within a systemic framework.

Participants will be offered experiential activities and opportunities for personal reflection and small group discussions to assist learning, as well as discussion of their current clinical cases and  consideration of how these ideas may be applied to their personal contexts.

Who is it for?

The workshop will be of relevance and enhance the working practice of professionals including: social workers involved in residence and child – protection work, clinical psychologists, solicitors and judges working in residence and contact dispute cases, healthcare professionals, foster carers and adoptive parents.

 Topics Covered Include:

· Examples from Clinical practice in the context of fostering and adoption break-down
· Disputes over residence and contact
· Recommendations for supporting carers
· Discussion of the clinical use of assessment instruments

About the facilitators:

Rudi Dallos is professor and director of clinical psychology training at Plymouth University. He has worked as a family therapist for over 25 years and has conducted research and clinical assessments utilising attachment and systemic approaches in the context of fostering and adoption. He has published several books including: Attachment Narrative Therapy, Working Systemically with Attachment Narratives, and An Introduction to Family Therapy

Annie Dallos is a registered Social Worker and Family Therapist with over 25 years of experience of working with families in both statutory and voluntary contexts including Local Authority Child Protection Teams, Camhs and an Independent Fostering Agency. As well as working for a community based family therapy service, Ann currently works as an Independent Social Worker undertaking specialist assessments in both private and public law settings where assessing attachment and parental care giving is a valuable resource to decision making.

Course Fee: £95 + VAT including lunch refreshments & a certificate of attendance. For more information or to book a place on this course, please contact Rosie Fermin on or 01302 347850

Further Information

Rosie Fermin
Telephone: 01302 347850

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