Search results for "ethnic"

News analysis of social workers’ views on the government’s social exclusion policy. Plus, how US social workers are coping in the aftermath of 11 September

It may be advisable to print this document as it is long.

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Exclusion zone

hope is there for the government's initiatives to promote social inclusion when
social workers, who are best placed to act as advocates for vulnerable groups,

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Services for children and disabled people criticised by inspectors in five joint reviews

Services for children and disabled people have been highlighted
as areas for improvement in government inspections of five social
services departments.

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Seeking saftey – Partners in Housing

Luker outlines the role registered social landlords could have in housing
asylum seekers under the dispersal scheme.

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Standards bearers?

has upheld the principles underlying John Major's Citizens' Charter and applied
them to long term care.

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A daily summary of social care stories from the main newspapers

By David Callaghan and Reg McKay.

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Grandparent carers miss out

who are raising their grandchildren miss out on financial and practical
support, according to a report launched by the Family Rights Group this week.

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Race whistleblowing request

The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) has
called on the voluntary sector to "police" public bodies on its
behalf to ensure they are meeting their obligations under the Race

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Keeping it in the family

Grandparents who look after their
grandchildren do not receive the support that other carers are
given, despite the vital and welcome role they are taking on.

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Professionalism says poor standards must be outed

I read with interest your article
“Calling time on victimisation” (9 August) as I myself am a whistleblower.

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Councils should consult over care

authorities should develop more effective ways to consult isolated
older people about the home care they need, according to a new Help
the Aged study.

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Net gains

internet is seen as irrelevant by many social care workers.

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Social fund cop-out shames government

Since 1986, successive Labour opposition social security
spokespeople - including Robin Cook, Paul Flynn, Michael Meacher
and Donald Dewar - declared

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Putting down new roots

For so long ignored by government bodies and larger charities,
community groups have at last been acknowledged by government as
part of its compact with the voluntary sector.

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Beyond caring

The special carers grant has so far failed to live up to
expectations - especially in targeting ethnic minority carers.

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A daily summary of social care stories from the main newspapers

By Clare Jerrom and Reg McKay.

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