The State of Personalisation 2012

personalisation meeting

Bureaucracy and cuts are continuing to undermine the implementation of personalisation, yet the agenda could still prove beneficial to service users. That was the message from social care professionals who responded to Community Care’s annual personalisation survey, sponsored this year by Unison and The College of Social Work.

This special report provides the full results from the survey alongside reflections from social workers and other experts on why personalisation is not achieving its stated goals of greater choice and control for service users, and how frontline professionals can help turn things round. We have also gathered examples of good practice from around the country in reducing the bureaucracy that has undermined progress to date.

We also explored the role of social workers should be in making personalisation happen in an online debate on Monday 9 July, which you can replay (full details, right). (Pic: Photodisc/GettyImages)

Making sense of resource allocation

Making sense of resource allocation

Involving social workers in designing your resource allocation system can make it more effective.

Councils must trust social workers more


A lack of trust in social workers is among the reasons that personalisation is failing, says independent practitioner Kelly Hicks (Pic: Vikki Grant/Mood Board/Rex Features)

How social workers can cut red tape


Bureaucracy may be undermining personalisation, but there are things social workers can do to change this, says social work lecturer Elaine Aspinwall-Roberts. (Pic: Martin Poole/Mood Board/Rex Features)

Personalisation must help those who have least

Personalisation logo

Councils have failed to deliver genuine choice and control through personalisation, to the detriment of people with the greatest needs and the least family support, says one social worker.

Personalisation is working despite obstacles


The survey shows personalisation is delivering benefits for service users but we must remove the obstacles that get in the way, says Think Local Act Personal programme manager Martin Routledge. (Pic: OJO Images/Rex Features)

Key research findings

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