Social services are the biggest employers in the voluntary
sector, accounting for two-fifths of all employment, says a survey
published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Details on 01904
The all-party Social Security Select Committee began its annual
review into the Child Support Agency earlier this week and is
expected to report in early 1996.
Newcastle social services has established a post to help
homeless people with mental illnesses, which will run for one year
and be funded by the Mental Illness Specific Grant.
Service users and professionals involved in consultation have
been targeted in a guide to promoting partnership through
consultation. From Russell House Publishing, 38 Silver Street, Lyme
Regis DT7 3HS.
In November, Suffolk social services will celebrate ten years of
Homeshare, an adult placement scheme involving approved carers in
the community offering day and respite care to elderly people.
Probation officers from five London boroughs will take part in a
pilot project to identify and address dyslexia in offenders.
Information on 0171 222 5656.
Planning and reviewing under the Children Act is discussed in a
research report from the National Children’s Bureau. From 0171 843
Anchor Housing Association has published a book for providers of
housing services looking at the Staying Put schemes, which help
elderly people stay in their own homes. From 01865 854000.
A GUIDE to working with elderly people who misuse alcohol is
available from Wynne Howard Publishing, 10 Betula Close, Croydon,
Surrey CR8 5ET.
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