By Jeni Bremner and Anthony Hillin .
Russell House Publishing
£9.95 + £1.50 p&p
ISBN 1 898924 15 5
The authors quite rightly say that ‘for many staff wishing to
work in this area, a common feeling is embarrassment about sexual
The result is that in too many care environments the advice
given to young people about sex can be simply encapsulated in one
word: ‘Don’t.’
If you work in such a place, then Sexuality, Young People and
Care is for you.
It is a well-written, comprehensive and readable guide to all
those things you don’t really want to have to deal with, but know
that you should.
The book’s pragmatic and practical approach is challenging
without being aggressive or fear-provoking.
It recognises that human sexuality is a hugely complex issue and
one that staff working with young people need to respond to
intellectually, not emotionally.
The cartoons are good too!
Fran Orford is project manager, Calderdale.
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