The position in mid-1994

    Has the implementation of community care meant more choice for
    users or are they still at the mercy of social services department
    timetable? Jane Lewis discusses new research.

    Borough A Nine-to-five in-house home care only. In the process
    of reviewing domiciliary care to address the issue of weekend and
    evening care by in-house providers and the possibility of
    purchasing care from independent providers. Borough B Some evening
    and weekend home care. Little independent provision, but changes to
    employment conditions have resulted in relatively flexible in-house
    provision. Borough c Small amount of evening and weekend home are
    purchased from the independent sector. In-house providers, who are
    working to capacity under current resourcing, offer little
    flexibility, but review is being considered. Borough D Substantial
    evening and weekend provision for new and highly dependent clients.
    Large block contract for domiciliary care with an independent
    supplier; little flexibility in-house. County Virtually all clients
    who need it get evening and weekend home care. neven pattern of
    independent provision; very flexible in-house service.

    The problem of the client who wishes to be put to bed at 10pm,
    but who instead gets put to bed by someone from social services at
    5pm, is familiar. The community care policy promised users greater
    choice, so it is worth asking whether such an apparently simple
    problem has now been resolved in the user’s favour.

    A research team from the London School of Economics has been
    observing the implementation of community care in five local
    authorities, four London boroughs and a county, over the past two
    years. One of the issues looked at was whether users in these
    authorities are more likely to receive a flexible and responsive
    home care service, and to explain why this is or is not the

    The official guidance saw the new market in social care and the
    purchaser/provider split as the key to providing more choice and
    flexible services. The NHS and Community Care Act and guidance made
    it clear that choice did not mean the exercise of preferences by
    users. Local authorities had to assess need and determine
    eligibility for services. Choice was defined in terms of a range of
    providers from which to choose. The idea of making services
    needs-led was therefore not the same as making them user-led.

    But the government was convinced that a wider range of suppliers
    from the independent and public sector, together with curbing the
    perceived self-interest and/or inefficiency of public providers,
    would ensure that services met users’ needs. It was believed that
    competition and the new leverage exercised by purchasers would
    force a change in provider practices.

    The evidence we have is not clear-cut and raises the concern
    that a sledgehammer – in the form of the purchaser/provider split –
    may have been used to crack a nut.

    Clearly, it is not possible to generalise about a client’s
    chances of being put to bed when she or he wishes. Furthermore, in
    borough D and the county, where clients are most likely to have
    their wishes met, the relationship between the achievement of a
    flexible service and the introduction of market principles is not
    clear-cut either.

    In the county, the service is flexible because of the changes
    that have been made by in-house providers. After a 1988 report by
    the Social Services Inspectorate, the authority moved towards
    creating a home care service.

    The calibre of managers appears to have been high, budgets were
    devolved to provider-managers and the service was flexible. These
    changes in in-house provision required an external ‘push’, but this
    came from the SSI rather than from market competition in the first
    instance. The threat of ‘externalisation’, to which members were
    committed at the beginning of the 1990s, provided further important
    impetus to promoting in-house flexibility. In addition the threat
    of competition from independent suppliers has been significant.
    Service level agreements exist between in-house providers of home
    care and purchasers, but the initiative to develop them was taken
    by the providers.

    So, in this case, while the threat of market competition played
    a significant role, flexibility has nevertheless been achieved

    In the case of borough D, the availability of evening and
    weekend care, at least for new and highly dependent clients, is due
    to direct provision by the independent sector. At the beginning of
    1994, this authority decided to tender for a large block
    domiciliary care contract. Unlike the county, the threat of
    competition has had no effect as yet on patterns of provision by
    the in-house home care service.

    In borough B, where the client may have some success, and
    borough C, where in the short-term there is relatively little
    chance of success, the patterns are just as confused. Borough B
    established an early and firm purchaser/provider split, but has
    little by way of independent domiciliary care provision and was
    recently disappointed by the paucity of interest from domiciliary
    agencies in registering with the social services department.
    However, it does have relatively flexible in-house providers, whose
    contractual conditions of employment have been substantially
    modified. A group consisting of both purchasers and providers
    prompted change in the home care service.

    Borough C has only recently established a purchaser/provider
    split. It has only a few independent sector domiciliary care
    providers and little flexibility in-house.

    Nevertheless, it is in borough A, which has only fully
    implemented its new assessment procedures, where the client stands
    virtually no chance of success. This would seem to indicate that
    the community care changes are significant, but which changes?

    Competition from independent providers seems to be significant.
    In the county, threat of competition was a spur to changes in
    in-house provision; in borough D evening and weekend care has
    deliberately been commissioned with special transitional grant
    monies from independent providers to fill the gap. However,
    external provision is not necessarily a panacea. The company
    employed by borough D has experienced some difficulty in meeting
    users’ wishes. It has proved difficult for a small company with
    limited staff to put a high percentage of clients to bed within the
    same hour. Indeed, there tends to be an absence of stable
    independent domiciliary care provision and there is concern on the
    part of authorities about the quality of services going to
    vulnerable people at home.

    In borough B, the social services committee turned down social
    services’ plan to tender for an intensive home care service, saying
    it wanted the highly skilled work to be carried out in-house, with
    only the less intensive work going out to tender because of the
    risk to clients. The experience of borough D shows that it is not
    easy to secure flexible, high quality domiciliary care from the
    independent sector; quality is generally acknowledged by economists
    to be the Achilles heel of markets.

    It is more difficult to come to clear conclusions about the role
    of internal purchaser/provider splits. Many would stress the
    importance of the cultural shift implicit in linking care
    management and commissioning to create a much higher awareness of
    user needs.

    This link is especially important in the context of the
    government’s 85 per cent rule, which has promoted purchasing from
    already existing independent home owners, and which alone would not
    be sufficient to prevent the replacement of one monopoly supplier
    by another. Forty years of traditional local authority hierarchies
    failed to promote change, and on that ground alone, many would
    argue that the shakeup inside social services is thereby

    There are two caveats. It is too crude to assume that providers
    are self-interested in the sense of self-promoting and/or
    inefficient. As a senior officer of borough C pointed out, a degree
    of self-interest may in any case be necessary for survival. The
    case of the county shows that providers may, under the right
    conditions, take the initiative to improve their service. In
    borough B, change was achieved by providers co-operating with
    purchasers; and in borough C, they are also anxious to change, but
    arguably the hiatus in social services while purchasers find their
    feet has delayed the improvements they wish to see.
    Purchaser-provider alliances are important.

    Second, our research authorities have put huge effort into
    restructuring their departments and everywhere this has been
    accompanied by a formalisation of procedures and a flowering of
    forms. For example, in the county an oft-repeated complaint from
    front-line workers and some senior officers was about the large
    number of forms that must be filled out to access home care.

    These consisted of forms needed to conduct a needs-led
    assessment (including financial assessment), forms to complete the
    purchasing-related paperwork, and forms to fill in details required
    by the providers. In other words, conducting a needs-led assessment
    is considerably more labour intensive than responding to a simple
    service request. The burden of increased bureaucracy on front-line
    workers is hard to over-estimate.

    There is an additional concern we would raise in relation to
    attempts to hold down provider posts in a competitive climate. It
    is not inconceivable that a client might be put to bed at 10pm by
    the same worker who had previously come at 5pm, but whose new
    contract gives her little by way of holiday or pension
    entitlements, no overtime pay, and possibly a reduced hourly wage
    rate. The trade-offs between the welfare of the user and of the
    paid carer in the new system require further investigation.

    Jane Lewis is professor of social policy, London School of

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