Local residents, community groups and businesses have been
issued with guidance to help them work with public sector agencies
to tackle social exclusion and neighbourhood renewal.
The guidance from the department of the environment, transport
and the regions (DETR) recognises that tackling issues like crime,
health, housing and education requires local organisations to work
in partnership with local communities. It provides advice on how to
put this into practice through local strategic partnerships
LSPs’ core responsibilities will be to prepare and implement a
community strategy for the area, and co-ordinate plans,
partnerships and initiatives to provide a forum for councils,
police, health services and central government to work to meet
community needs.
Local government minister Hilary Armstrong launched the guidance
saying: “Many parts of the public, private and voluntary and
community sectors are already working well together to tackle
complex social, economic and environmental issues. We want local
strategic partnerships to build on this by strengthening links
between partners.”
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