Wiltshire carer survey reveals dissatisfaction

Wiltshire social services department is failing to provide an
adequate service for parent carers, findings published last week

Seventy-one parent carers responded to the survey carried out in
March by the University of Bath and Wiltshire Social Services
Research & Development Partnership on behalf of Carers Support
North and West Wiltshire.

Of these, 47 had a social worker now or in the past, while 14
had no current contact with social services. Just 13 respondents
had received a care assessment under the Carers (Recognition &
Services) Act 1995.

Replies highlighted a low level of satisfaction with social
services, with issues including delays in being allocated a social
worker, poor communication and an unhelpful attitude.

Wiltshire’s social services director Ray Jones said: “If people
are finding that what we are doing isn’t meeting their needs, we
have to reflect on that. But for staff on the ground sometimes they
are stretched and limited by resources.”

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