DOH sets out ministers’ portfolios

Following the appointment of Jacqui Smith and Hazel Blears as
health ministers, the full list of ministerial responsibilities at
the Department of Health is as follows.

The Rt Hon Alan Milburn MP (Secretary of State
for Health) – overall responsibility for the work of the Department
with particular responsibility for:

– Finance and resources
– The Private Finance Initiative
– Strategic Communications

John Hutton MP (Minister of State for

– The NHS and delivery
– NHS human resources including the Workforce Taskforce
– Access to services including waiting and Access Taskforce
– Commissioning
– Capital, including capital and capacity task force
– Primary care services
– NHS treatment for asylum seekers
– Equality
– London Regional Office

Jacqui Smith MP (Minister of State in the

– Social Care, long term care, disability and mental
– Long term care for the elderly, including Older People’s
Taskforce and nursing and residential care
– Intermediate Care
– Children’s Social Care
– General Personal Social Services
– Care Trusts (shared responsibility with MS(H))
– Mental Health services, including Mental Health Taskforce
– Prison health services
– Long term conditions, including Long Term Conditions NSF and
diabetes and Renal services
– Disability services, including Community equipment services
– Northern and Yorkshire Region

Lord Hunt (Parliamentary Undersecretary of
State in the Lords):

– Performance and quality
– NHS Performance Management, including Performance Taskforce
– Clinical Quality, including Quality Taskforce
– Medicines and Medical Devices
– Genetics and Biotechnology
– R&D, Statistics, IT
– Executive Agency Management
– Departmental Management
– Eastern and North West Regions

Yvette Cooper MP (Parliamentary Undersecretary of
State for Public Health):

– Public Health
– Public health protection and prevention
– Cancer, including Cancer Taskforce
– CHD and stroke, including CHD Taskforce
– Tobacco
– Health inequalities including Inequalities Taskforce
– Embryology
– Maternity
– Sure Start
– Children’s health, including Children’s
– Sexual health and HIV, AIDS
– Blood
– Teenage pregnancy
– International health business
– Food Standards Agency
– BSE and vCJD
– Complementary and alternative medicine
– Trent and West Midlands regions

Hazel Blears MP (Parliamentary Undersecretary of
State for Health):

– Emergency care and public involvement
– Emergency Care including Winter and NHS Direct
– Patients focus including CHCs, complaints, clinical negligence,
organ retention, the hospital environment and the Patient and
Public Involvement
– Taskforce
– HAZs
– Pharmacy services
– Optical services
– Dental services/Fluoridation
– Drugs/Alcohol/ Crime
– Reconfiguration policy
– NHS Plus/Occupational Health
– Appointments
– Road Traffic Act
– Defence Medical Services
– South East and South West Regions

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