Beauty or beast?

    The long-awaited National Care Standards
    Commission is hatching. Ruth Winchester talks to chairperson Anne
    Parker about how it intends to start work and gauges what sort of
    reception the new body is likely to receive.

    Next month, something will hatch in the social
    care sector that will change it for ever. The egg has been visible
    for a while, but no one was sure what would emerge from it. Now,
    however, the shell is cracking. The National Care Standards
    Commission is almost upon us.

    This powerful new body has been set up under
    the Care Standards Act 2000 to take responsibility for ensuring
    quality in a very wide range of public, private and independent
    care settings in England. These include residential and nursing
    homes, day centres, children’s homes, domiciliary care services,
    adoption and fostering agencies, nursing agencies and boarding
    schools. In terms of regulation, many of these services represent
    virgin territory.

    Nor is this any harmless, voluntary “do it if
    you feel like it” affair. The commission has very significant
    powers – from warnings and fines through to closure of services and
    exclusion of individuals from social care – and it is certain to
    use them.

    The overwhelming response from those about to
    be regulated has been “we’re delighted that it will put the
    emphasis on quality” followed by a lot of “buts” and “ifs” and
    “what abouts”. And to be fair, the commission has hardly put
    people’s minds at rest. Over the past 12 months it has given a lot
    of conflicting messages about exactly what line it was going to
    take over the standards and regulations. One starting point was
    that the standards were “non-negotiable”, which caused a certain
    amount of hysteria among care home owners whose rooms were six
    inches too small.

    There does, now, seem to be a reasonable
    understanding on all sides about the distinction between the
    standards and the regulations, and what line the commission is
    going to take (at least in principle). Regulations are mandatory;
    standards are not. The regulations say “jump”, the standards tell
    you how high. The crucial point now is how the commission
    interprets its responsibility to “enforce” the regulations, and
    “take the standards into account”.

    Unfortunately, anyone expecting a quick,
    straightforward answer is going to be sorely disappointed. This
    body is so large and so new that it is going to take time, probably
    several years, before any real answers emerge.

    At the time of writing – two weeks before the
    Commission is due to go live – only 55 of its 1,700 permanent staff
    are actually at their desks. This rather alarming statistic gives
    some idea of the truly awe-inspiring scale of the operation and the
    massive upheaval that is going on in local authorities and health
    authorities across the country.

    Inspection staff are being drafted in from 200
    different employers. The commission has had to negotiate with
    hundreds of different workers over hundreds of different sets of
    terms and conditions, and they are all going to start work at the
    beginning of April. Many are on day-release training courses in
    preparation, but there is realistically no way that the whole
    edifice will spring into co-ordinated action when it goes live next
    month. Even if it did, the size of its regulatory task means it
    will be some time before every corner of the country has had the
    spotlight turned on it.

    And, with so many people arriving at the
    commission with different skills and experience, there are going to
    be questions about the consistency of inspection and regulation
    decisions. CCETSW and the General Social Care Council have created
    a new training course for regulators, the Regulation of Care
    Services Award. But it will take an estimated three to five years
    before all inspectors are trained to that standard. In the interim,
    how can one organisation be sure it is getting the same treatment
    as another? The answer, according to commission chairperson Anne
    Parker, is that they can’t. Not yet, anyway.

    “Ensuring consistency is going to be
    difficult,” she says. “It may feel unsatisfactory both from the
    point of view of the field, and of our staff, for some time.
    Inspectors are going to think we are horribly bureaucratic. Some of
    the freedom of movement they’ve had in the past is going to be
    constrained in the short term, while we say ‘hang on, can we look
    at this,’ and a locality manager checks with her area manager. We
    are going to be building case law, essentially.

    “And it may feel unsatisfactory from the point
    of view of the field, because they are not going to get a quick
    response. I’m sure we will be criticised, because we are taking
    time over some things that might have been given a snap decision in
    the past.

    “The timescale I’ve got in my head is that we
    really ought to be demonstrating some consistency toward the end of
    this year, and be making good progress toward achieving that at
    about 18 months. And then stable by year three.”

    This is probably not what people want to hear.
    Regulation is going to be difficult for some, and hitting a moving
    regulatory target is going to be harder. But for those who are
    daunted by the task, Parker has some consolation. The first is that
    any “regulatory absurdities” that have arisen during the drafting
    of the standards and regulations – and providers argue that there
    are many – will be drawn to the government’s attention. According
    to Parker: “If we identify absurdities, or if there are things that
    we cannot operationalise, then the government needs to know.”

    The second is that the standards are not set
    in stone and while the commission was not involved in the initial
    round of drafting, it will draw on its substantial experience
    within the sector in drawing up the next round.

    “We’ve kept ourselves out of the consultation
    loop on the standards this time – we have been given the
    standards,” Parker says. “We see our role now as to comment on how
    they can be used effectively as instruments for regulating – do any
    of them not work very well, and what ideas are we picking up – to
    inform the next round.

    “The government intends to review these
    standards periodically. What periodically means I don’t know – I
    don’t imagine they’ll be digging them up every six months – but the
    notion is that these are living things.”

    Feeding into the evolution of the standards is
    going to be a central part of the commission’s remit, and that
    depends on intelligence gathering. There is a staggering
    information black hole around some services – with no centrally
    co-ordinated information about numbers of beds, numbers of staff,
    client groups, dependency levels, outcomes or costs. Part of the
    commission’s remit is to put some flesh on the bones. The idea is
    that it will be a “virtual” organisation, existing wherever there’s
    a laptop and a telephone, and regulation will be a largely
    web-based process.

    The new IT system is, of course, late in
    arriving and, as Parker admits, “no one’s actually pressed the
    button yet, so we don’t know whether it’ll sink into a heap with a
    sigh when that happens”. But the idea is that inspectors will file
    their reports online, and providers will have access to a web-based
    resource centre where they’ll be able to find all they need in
    relation to the NCSC.

    The database will also provide the commission
    with a lot of valuable information. “The objective is to be able to
    gather information in computerised form, and be able to add it up,
    subtract it and analyse it,” Parker explains. “At the end of the
    year we should have a lot of data which tells us which standards
    are being met, which aren’t, which are being exceeded and what good
    ideas there might be out there.

    “I am very much hoping that there will be good
    ideas from providers who say to us, well, we might not be meeting
    that particular standard, but we are meeting the outcome that sits
    on top of that standard, and this is how. And that might be built
    into future standards.”

    Another key aspect of the work is what Parker
    describes as “the unfolding of enforcement”. She suggests that year
    one will be a relatively “softly softly” year for the commission
    while it gauges the lie of the land and inspectors learn the ropes.
    Year two will see the beginning of a gradual “ratcheting up” of
    standards. But that does not mean a policy of non-enforcement –
    laggards will not be tolerated. “We may well be moving into
    enforcement earlier in some sectors where there is a very poor
    history of compliance – where people are not arriving with a clean

    With all this emphasis on provider
    organisations and the inspections, the real raison d’ˆtre of
    the commission is easily forgotten – protecting and ensuring
    quality for service users. And therein lies the rub. Service users
    are not a uniform bunch, and they don’t always want what the
    government thinks they ought to want. A spate of recent battles
    have been fought by residents over the unwanted closure of care
    homes – and it is probable that sooner or later the commission will
    find itself in the unenviable position of taking action which goes
    directly against the wishes of the people it is there to

    Parker hopes this uncomfortable scenario will
    be avoided by listening to what service users tell them is
    important. “It might be the case that there is pressure to focus on
    room sizes, while all the residents tell us it is food we should be
    focusing on. That would moderate our priorities. But we undoubtedly
    will be in the position where we are making decisions that are not
    entirely in accordance with the wishes of some service users, and
    we will have to be very, very sure that we can explain what we are
    doing, and why we are doing it. Hopefully we won’t get to that
    stage as a matter of surprise to everybody – if things were really
    that bad hopefully you would have spotted something coming. But you
    don’t always, of course.”

    While deciding whether a service is good
    quality may be relatively straightforward, the commission is
    heading into tricky territory when it comes to commissioning
    arrangements. How, for example, will it handle a situation where a
    provider cannot give quality services for the rates a commissioner
    will pay?

    One condition of any registration with the
    commission is that of financial viability. Parker says: “It’s a
    very complicated thing to make a judgement on. Is it financially
    viable so that I’ll lend you some money? Is it financially viable
    so I’ll buy shares in you? Is it financially viable so that you can
    feed the residents and pay the staff and mend the roof? We are
    talking with the market about that.

    “But at some point, once you’ve got all the
    other noise out of the system, you are going to come down to fee
    structures and occupancy rates. At that point, it could be that we
    have to say to a provider, on the basis of your assumptions on fee
    structure and occupancy rates, you don’t look financially viable.
    That’s a judgement we have to make.”

    She is unwilling to be drawn further but
    insists that money, while important, is not the whole equation. She
    cites personal experience of similar organisations producing very
    different outcomes with identical financial resources.

    Perhaps this is the most difficult
    characteristic of the commission to accept – that it doesn’t have
    all the answers. There are questions to be asked about whether it
    is fair to treat service users, staff and organisations as
    unwitting guinea pigs in an unprecedented national experiment. In
    any event, it is clearly going to be difficult for those on the
    receiving end to have confidence in a process, and an organisation,
    in its infancy.

    Parker fully acknowledges the lack of
    certainty, saying: “There are a lot of don’t knows.” But she adds:
    “People are going to have to learn to live with some don’t knows,
    while we work out what the right answer is.”

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