Communities in the north of Glasgow have been allocated
£500,000 to help integrate refugees and asylum seekers into
the city following a decision by the Scottish executive.
The money has been allocated to the North Glasgow Social
Inclusion Partnership, which covers the key area of Sighthill where
most of the city’s asylum seekers and refugees are located.
The murder of Firsat Daz in Sighthill last August provoked civil
demonstrations and street violence.
John Gray, chairperson of North Glasgow SIP board, said that the
funds in themselves would be insufficient to resolve all the issues
faced by the communities but added: “The range of activities on
offer will benefit the whole community, and help build new and
positive relationships amongst all age groups.”
The funding is to be spent on arts initiatives, a multi-cultural
international festival, drop-in facilities and safe play areas for
children and adults to meet.
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