More quality placements

    As a student social worker about to qualify, I
    have been watching the developments in the new social work degree
    with interest (News Analysis, 13 June).

    The degree has two major flaws. The first is
    the lack of placements. I was lucky with my two-year DipSW in that
    I was able to get one voluntary and one statutory placement, both
    positive learning experiences.

    However, many people on my course and other
    courses waited for long periods to start placements or have had
    very poor placements.

    It is quite evident that there is a severe
    shortage of quality placements so increasing the number by 70 will
    further reduce the quality and safety of placements or the number
    of social work students.

    The second flaw is the funding. If the
    government wants to increase the numbers of mature students the
    value of bursaries needs to be at least doubled. Many students on
    my course had full-time jobs as well. With a three-year course I
    would not have been able to afford to qualify.

    Cris Evans

    Child safety network

    Your article on child protection in schools
    (“Off the curriculum”, 30 May) did not refer to the recently
    established network of child protection co-ordinators within the
    education system.

    Twenty-six posts have been funded by the
    Department for Education and Skills and their remit is threefold:
    to work with local education authorities throughout England to
    bring about improvements in staff training to enable them to
    recognise and deal with abuse; to improve policies and practice in
    this sensitive area; and to search for improvements in how
    allegations against education staff are dealt with.

    Work has started in all regions of the country
    and recommendations about policies and practice are emerging.
    Training is being scrutinised and an audit about allegations has
    begun. In addition, work is being undertaken on how to define
    thresholds and provide clear definitions for staff referring child
    protection matters.

    All this will take time but it is encouraging
    that the DfES have taken this initiative. In time it will enhance
    the response of the education sector by increasing child protection
    awareness, and by recommending improvements in training, to ensure
    that staff understand their roles and responsibilities in respect
    of the care and welfare of children and young people.

    Margaret Hurrell
    On behalf of the National Investigation and Referral Support
    Co-ordinator Network

    Cynics’ diary does harm

    Members of the government or general public
    who read Community Care‘s weekly diary will not feel
    sympathetic to any claims for improvements in our pay or
    conditions. Do your diarists represent a true picture of the
    day-to-day life of those working responsibly and with integrity in
    social care?

    If so, we need to be concerned about the
    disappearance of our core values. We are accountable for the well
    being of those who use our services. Who could have a shred of
    respect for someone unable to remember where they should be (6

    Being able to mock oneself and subvert
    grandiosity is one thing. Undermining the standards and working
    practices many of us are aspiring to achieve by portraying us as a
    bunch of incompetent cynics is quite another.

    Name and address withheld

    Men’s health warning

    Community Care covered National
    Carers Week very well indeed (Specialist articles, 13 June). But
    did you know that 10-14 June was men’s health week?.

    Being an Australian social worker, I am amazed
    at the apparent lack of interest or activity surrounding men’s
    health issues in England. Back home, a national men’s health
    promotion strategy and men’s health centres have already been

    Here are some worrying statistics.

    – The average British man can expect to be
    seriously or chronically ill for 15 years of his life.

    – Depression is a widespread but
    under-recognised problem in men. At least one in five men suffer
    clinical depression at some stage in their lives.

    – Forty-five per cent of men are overweight.
    Another 17 per cent are obese.

    – Twenty-seven per cent of men regularly drink
    more than the recommended limits. Thirty-six per cent of young men
    (16-24) drink excessively.

    – The average male smoker smokes 111
    cigarettes a week and 28 per cent of men smoke.

    – The incidence of testicular cancer has
    doubled in the past 20 years.

    – Nearly 22,000 men in the UK are newly
    diagnosed with prostate cancer each year and about 9,500 die. This
    number is expected to treble over the next 20 years.

    Don Mackenzie
    Service development co-ordinator
    Physical Impairment Day Services

    Mistakes are in the past

    Last week an ombudsman’s report was released
    that criticised the way Birmingham social services department
    handled a series of complaints from a Birmingham father (News, page
    14, 13 June).

    The ombudsman was right to highlight the
    errors. However, the complaints date back seven years and there
    have been many improvements over the past two years in the way the
    department is run.

    In this particular case we carried out an
    independent investigation in 2000 and then implemented its

    The additional funding allocated to children’s
    social workers in 2000 has enabled us to take steps to improve our
    assessment of any child who may be at risk of abuse and we have
    also improved the case management process that follows such

    Susanna McCorry
    Cabinet member for social services and health
    Birmingham Council

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