Have your say

This week’s Have your say asks do some social workers
have poor literacy and numeracy skills?

Is this a problem you have experienced?

The Victoria Climbie inquiry highlighted poor standards
of literacy among some social workers.

Click here
to read a report on the issue.

To Have your say on this issue click
and your comments will appear in this
section of the website on 12 July.


Last week’s Have your say discussion was about star
ratings. We asked if the star ratings are useful for service users,
and what wee people’s views were on the new system.

Like all of these measures, it feels great to
be at the top and awful to be at the bottom. No authorities are all
good or all bad and to be deemed a failure can be demoralising for
staff who are working hard in very difficult circumstances.
Equally, knowing where you stand might help to focus managers to
improve things and elected members to support improvements.

A star doesn’t quite describe it adequately for

Nick Johnson

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